Our tutors are local people, although some may come from as far away as Brisbane. They have been artists, teachers, business people, tradespersons; in fact from almost any walk of life you care to name.

U3A Tutors have one thing in common, they have knowledge, skills, and passions that they wish to share with like-minded people; just for fun.

U3A is a volunteer organisation. All of our tutors volunteer their time, without payment. We depend on our volunteers for our existence.

You most certainly can become a tutor. As long as you have the requisite knowledge, skills or experience to pass on to our members you are very welcome.

We expect prospective tutors to have a certain level of expertise in the subject they are teaching. For example, if someone is teaching French, we would expect that they can speak, read and write French fluently, or if you wish to teach gardening, that you have several years’ experience in gardening in Queensland.

BUT you do not have to be a qualified teacher, or have taught anything before. You just need passion, enthusiasm, kindness and a sense of humour.

Have a chat with the Program Coordinator. They will suggest times and spaces in the program for the course you want to teach. U3A program coordinators work hard to fit in with your preferences and to provide the things you request for your classes.

If you want to go ahead;

  • download this form by right clicking and selecting Download linked file.
  • print it, fill it in and
  • return it to the office or email it to courses@u3abeachmere.org.a