
U3A is the University of the Third Age, which is the age of active retirement, coming after the age of youth and the age of working life. It began in France in 1973 and has since spread to countries around the world, promoting learning for personal enjoyment and satisfaction.

U3A Australian Alliance fosters closer co-operation between U3As across Australia; coordinating where necessary a national standpoint on issues of mutual interest.

At state level U3A groups have formed Networks which provide many benefits to their constituents. Networks have been established in Victoria in 1988, New South Wales 1995, South Australia 2006, Queensland 2009 and Western Australia in 2012.

U3A Network Queensland was established in 2009. It is a state-wide voice for the U3A movement in Queensland. The Network represents 35 U3A groups throughout the state, including U3A Online.

Participation in U3A requires no prior learning or knowledge of a subject. An eager anticipation of stretching the mind and building new friendships are important reasons to join in our activities.

U3A is run by volunteers, and therefore is low cost and affordable. Our courses cover Art, Academic subjects, Computers, Craft, Games, Sport. Physical Activities, History, Languages, Music and much more.

U3A provides members with affordable education and the opportunity to study and learn in a relaxed environment. While it’s called a University, U3A learning is informal and study groups and activities are led by experienced tutors. There are no prerequisites required to teach or to join classes. There are no exams or formal assessments of students.


U3A is all about lifelong learning, fun and friendship.